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Online SQL Editor Re-design

Live SQL

Live SQL is Oracle's free online SQL editor. While it targets SQL beginners, its current experience lacks support to help users master SQL. In this project, I collaborated with the VP and PM to design a beginner-friendly learning experience, enhancing the platform to better support users in their journey to SQL proficiency.




Role / 

UX/UI Designer


Collaboration / 

VP, PM, Engineer


Year / 

Feb, 2024- May, 2024

Final Design


Master SQL in Live SQ isn't Easy

PM has informed that most Live SQL users are college students and one problem is they think there's a gap between Live SQL and other popular SQL products in the market. I was tasked to figure out what makes the gap so I can give Live SQL a learned-friendly make-over.

User Research

User Research

Understand What Makes The Gap

Working with a user researcher in my team, I came up with a generative research agenda. My goal is to understand these questions after user interviews.

How's SQL editor being used currently?

What's working and what's not?

What's lacking in the learning experience within live SQL?


I talked to 6 college students with varying levels of SQL expertise. Here are my findings 👇🏼

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Finding 1
Low Resemblance to Other SQL Products

SQL editor lacks the familiar look and feel of a traditional SQL tool, leaving new users unsure of where to start and find things. 

Current worksheet.png

Finding 2
Unclear IA and Disconnected Pages

Current information architecture (IA) of Live SQL makes it difficult for users to understand its offerings and navigate. Also, uers feel disconnected when they have to switch between multiple pages to select schema, run query and see results.

Screenshot 2024-07-23 at 5.17.28 PM.png

Finding 3
Lack Guided Learning

Users want more guidance and instruction, a few users mentioned Codecademy as a good example, saying instructions being displayed alongside the work area make it very easy to follow.




Information Architecture (IA) Simplified



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Schema to Worksheet

Simplify sub-tabs

Consolidate pages

Group 20506.png

Schema to Worksheet

Schema is moved into Worksheet so user can select and use schema within context of SQL editor.

Group 20507.png

Simplify Sub-tabs

My session is simplied. Only NFL and current session is kept.

Group 20508.png

Consolidate pages

My script, My tutorials, Code library are all learning resources and is consolidated into one tab, so user know offerings by navigation title and can find all resources in one place.

Bridging the Familiarity Gap

I re-designed SQL Worksheet page so beginners can transition to other SQL product with ease after practices in Live SQL.


Current worksheet.png

Re-design is a multiple section layout that has

- resource navigation panel

- SQL editor

- Result/history view

This allows user to use and view information in one place. User can also change size of each section based on their task.



Couple user mentioned they'd like to re-run statements to troubleshoot when something goes wrong.


I added SQL history section, as well as Insert into editor support so user can easily go back to history, test and learn.

SQL - Worksheets tab.png

In-context Tutorials and Learning Assistant

User research findings informed learning by doing is important to master SQL for students.

A collapsible learning panel is introduced in SQL worksheet view. User can open the panel by clicking on library icon, read script or tutorial and run query in SQL editor. 


Another feature for future releases is utilizing Gen AI to have a learning assistant in live SQL. Students can ask for reference code, how to questions anytime within SQL worksheet.

Ask Oracle.png
Chat interface (480).png

Consolidate Learning Reources 


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My Scripts, My Tutorials and Code Library is consolidated in one page and is renamed to give clarity on its offerings.

Within Library, I introduced the a page called Community that contains all tutorials and scripts to create an environment in which beginners feel supportive, as students mentioned  community during interview using online learning forums such as stack overflow. 


Tutorials tab is allow anyone to create exercise. This can be used by SQL teachers who create exercise and share to students. It can also be used by students themselves who want to prep for exams by creating their custom practice. 


Add tutorial module is re-designed so tutorial creator can get a preview of the tutorial while creating content.



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