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Puzzle Walk

Gamified Fitness App

Sept, 2017- Nov, 2017

Awarded with Social Impact product in 2017 IU Symposium, this app is designed to improve daily physical activity level of young adults with high functioning autism. As solo designer in this team, I worked on designing the interaction workflow, UI and other conducting user interview.


Before designing, we made a few assumptions on our tager users, people of austim based on secondary research . 


We assumed that people of autism have low physical activity level, and they tend to avoid face-to-face social interactions, but do not differ from normal people when making online social interactions. We then started with interview and survey to know more about this group of people.

Survey was created to understand the perceptions toward physical activity and IT device use in individuals with ASD. Link was posted on online community website (Reddit) and several autism awareness/advocacy groups in social media (Facebook). 


The survey consisted of 20 questions, with a brief description of physical activity and information technology, about the level of physical activity and IT device usage in the target population. We received 40 responses and the results gave us an insight into how much the people on the spectrum valuate physical activity and how they perceive their IT device in their everyday life. 


age 18-24


This group of people makes up 38% of our whole responses. And people under 24 compose more than half of the participant population.

low self- confidence


Participants chose low self- confidence as one of the major barriers for them to go out and exercise.

more than 4 hrs / day


They spend more than 4 hours a day on technology (phone and computer).



One of the activity conducted most by this group of people is walking.

read & play games


They like to read, and play games. Some people specifically mention minecrafts.

prefer individual activities​


They tend to avoid any group activities, however, they do want 1-on-1 meeting with someone they trust and like.

Our users are aware that health is important and having more physical activity is beneficial for them, but they do not have incentives to do so.




Age: 22​

Occupation: Student​


Current: ​

​He was diagnosed with autism since 5 and has been taking medication. He’s high functioning and lives with his family.​


He is good at math and he likes to read and play games in his daily life. He’s also an acitive member on a online game discussion forum in which he often contribute answering questions.


He tries to avoid going to events with groups of people. He is always conscious about how people perceive him and sometimes feel anxious.​

We brainstormed on what could be incentives for our users as a group with post-it notes. Designing a puzzle game eventually became the choice as it's not forceful, and it motivates by its entertaining and social nature. 


We recalled the immersive experience of scavenger, which was a game experience rather than a work-out or social experience. Based on discussion with team members, I decided to transform the immersion into a digital experience. The concept is digital scavenger hunt app. Every day, the phone would push new puzzles and user has to walk and find clues to solve these puzzles.


I first mapped out user journey and then created wireframes to gain feedback from team.

1. log in/ sign up

1.1 input personal data

1.2 set current location

2. select recommended areas

4. view puzzles

3. follow navigation to the place

5. walk in the area

6. get notifications & collect clues for puzzles

7. solve puzzles/ walk

8. finish and view performance/ puzzles


Always having the motivation to work out daily is not easy, even it's just a simple loop walk in nearby neighborhood. But when working out is turned into a game, things can be different.


Take a look at the daily updated puzzles, and take a walk out to collect clues for the puzzles on route. This app motivates you and help you keep track of your health. Meanwhile, enjoy the fun experience.


First time users would be guided to input their personal data such as weight, height and sex to receive accurate performance evaluation. The app would then guide user to set locations in order to provide recommendations on nearby walk- friendly areas for safety concern.


Recommended area is displayed in card view with information such as name of the place, estimated walk steps and puzzles difficulty contained.


Clues are showed in random order on route. Get notifications, and open camera to see and collect clues with augmented reality technology.




View various puzzles before start walking and find clues on route.

Tap on the AR object after scanning and collect them. Use these clues to solve the puzzles you see before the walk.


Live step counts give instant feedback and encourage users to keep on walking.


View performance, and puzzles after the walk. Change settings anytime.


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